Canon's farm Wiki

David.campbell David.campbell 2 April 2010

Addition to the systematic list

If you are wondering why the systematic list has suddenly increased by one, to 96, it is because of the addition of Pied Flycatcher. We were previously frustrated that we couldn't add Pied Flycatcher to the list because the location was uncertain in the Birds of Surrey (it says that there is a record from 'Perrot's Wood' and asked the book questioned whether this meant Perrot's Farm - implying that there is no such place and it may or may not refer to the recording area). On looking at an online Ordnance Survey map of the area, we found that Perrot's Wood isn't some dodgy place name that may or may not refer to the recording area, it is infact a part of Banstead Woods and a nature reserve, hence the record without doubt refers to the record…

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David.campbell David.campbell 27 March 2010


You can now find a page with two maps on it. One is made using Aardvark maps (an add-on to Google Maps) and points out landmarks/points on CFBW which we may use in directions, clicking on a pointer will give a brief summary on what birds can be found there and information on the patch. The other shows where specific species can be found throughout the site and highlights the recording area.


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David.campbell David.campbell 27 March 2010


Hi all

This blog will mostly cover website updates and news.


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